Tick Activity

In the Tick App, we show the tick activity for the blacklegged tick / deer tick only. Tick activity depends on the life stage of the tick and weather conditions. Different stages are active at different times of the year. During the winter, ticks become dormant, allowing them to survive during the cold. However, they can be active when the ground temperatures are above freezing.

Tick activity varies with the time of the day, with the season and temperature, so will be slightly different depending on where you are in the U.S.

The tick activity feature in the Tick App is based on blacklegged tick / deer tick typical activity (low, medium or high) in multiple locations in eastern U.S. and may vary slightly year to year depending on weather conditions. This information is currently only available for states located in the Northeast and Midwest regions.

Tick activity varies during the day; ticks are less active when it is hot and dry, and they can become more active when the sun goes down, the temperature drops and humidity goes up. The Tick App does not show this variation in activity.

We only present the tick activity for nymphs and adults because larva rarely bit humans or are infected with the Lyme disease bacteria.

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